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Announcement Pursuant To Rule 210(5)(a) Of The Listing Manual

BackFeb 07, 2007

Pursuant to Rule 210(5)(a) of the Listing Manual of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (the "SGX-ST"), KSH Holdings Limited (the "Company") wishes to announce that its Lead Independent Director, Mr Lim Yeow Hua @ Lim You Qin, is an independent director of Advanced Integrated Manufacturing Corp. Ltd, a company listed on the Main Board of the SGX-ST, and is currently the chairman of its remuneration and nominating committees.

The rest of the Company's directors do not have prior experience as directors of public listed companies in Singapore. However, the Company's Executive Directors, Mr Choo Chee Onn, Mr Tok Cheng Hoe, Mr Lim Kee Seng and Mr Kwok Ngat Khow, have attended a seminar, namely "Key Essentials for Directors", conducted by the Singapore Institute of Directors, to familiarise themselves with the roles and responsibilities of a director of a public listed company in Singapore. The two other Independent Directors of the Company, Mr Lai Meng Seng and Mr Khua Kian Kheng Ivan, have attended a seminar, namely "SGX Listed Companies Development Programme - Understanding the Regulatory Environment in Singapore", co-organised by the SGX-ST and the Singapore Institute of Directors, to familiarise themselves with directors' duties and responsibilities, internal control and risk management, corporate governance and the SGX-ST's regulations.

The initial public offering of the Company's shares was sponsored by Westcomb Capital Pte Ltd.